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Testirali smo Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 2.0 HDI

Ovoga puta predstavićemo Vam takođe jedan od dosta traženih modela, Citroen C4 Grand Picasso.

Kada se pojavio krajem 2006. ovaj model je napravio pravu revoluciju u dizajnu ove klase automobila.

Do tada nešto zaista neviđeno i krajnje neuobičajeno.

C4 Grand Picasso je do dana današnjeg ostao jedan od najvećih, ako ne i najveći model u svojoj klasi.

Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 1
Citroen C4 Grand Picasso

Pokreće ga provereni 2.0 HDI agregat koji isporucuje oko 100 kw snage što je sasvim dovoljno za automobile ove veličine.

Uparen je sa robotizovanim manuelnim menjačem koji se pokazao dosta pouzdano i ne skupo za održavanje.

Poređena radi, promena brzina je osetna za razliku od klasičnog automatic-a, ali kome to ne “smeta” neće imati potencijalne glavobolje kod servisa menjača.

Što se tiče prostora u kabini, tu je suvišno bilo šta pričati, dovoljno je da sednete u Grand Picasso i sve će vam biti jasno.


Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 2

Citroen C4 Grand Picasso - gepek


Kabina je zaista ogromna, prepuna je raznoraznih pregrada i pomagala što je neophodno za duža porodična putovanja.

Sedišta su lepo profilisana i vrlo udobna.


Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 3

Citroen C4 Grand Picasso - unutrašnjost


Vozačevo mesto je prilično interesantno i pomalo “čudno” obzirom da se ispred vas nalazi soferka koja je najveća u auto industriji.

Skoro da smo sigurni da nijedan automobil nema veću šoferšajbnu od C4 Grand Picassa.

Preglednost je odlična, obzirom na veličinu automobila.


Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 4

Citroen C4 Grand Picasso


Što se potencijalnih mana ovog automobila tiče, ako se odlučite na kupovinu sa nekog placa, obavezno dobro pregledajte motor.

Obzirom na servisni interval od 30.000 km koji važi u inostranstvu i obzirom da se ovakav auto kupuje da bi se vozio, obratite pažnju na zvukove u glavi motora, obzirom da cesto stradaju hidropodizači i ostale komponente u glavi ( lanac, spanner, dihtunzi…) u nekim slučajevima i same bregaste.

Dakle, ako vas zadesi ovakav kvar računajte na oko 500 do 700 eur popravke.

Easy Rent a Car Beograd u svojoj ponudi ima novi i stari model Grand Picass-a.

Novi model cemo vam predstaviti nekom drugom prilikom.

Vaš Easy Rent a Car Beograd

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Testirali smo Toyotu Rav 4 Hybrid


Kao i sa ranijim testovima, EasyRent se potrudio da temeljno ispita Toyotino vozilo koje možete rezervisati kroz našu rent a car uslugu u Beogradu.

Zahvaljujući našem partneru ovoga puta na testu se našao potpuno novi Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid.

Kratak snimak test vožnje možete videti ovde:



Kada smo ga videli na premijeri, nije nas baš oduševio njegov avangardni dizajn, međutim, prilikom prvog pravog testa, mišljenje se potpuno promenilo. Ovaj RAV nema nikakve veze sa starijim bratom, ovo je potpuno nov concept dizajna i vožnje.


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent


Pokreće ga 2.5 l benzinac u kombinaciji sa elektro motorom koji, za razliku od starijeg brata, isporučuje nekih 20-tak ks više, što znaci da ima 220 ks kombinovano uz oko 400 njutna .Ovaj podatak vezan za Nm, nismo 100% sigurni da je tačan, pošto benzinski motor ima deklarisano 220 Nm, a ''baterija'' 202 Nm.

U svakom slučaju auto enormno dobro ubrzava.


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent 2


Kabina je, čini nam se, prostranija nego na starom modelu, iako je novi RAV “manji” od starog. Mesto za volanom je izuzetno dobro profilisano i vozači sa visinom preko 190 cm neće imati problem da se idealno smeste.


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent 3


Što se mesta pozadi tiče, naslon zadnje klupe je više nagnut u odnosu na stari model, pa je sedenje veoma udobno. Prtljažnik je dovoljno velik i prostran, ima i duplo dno, tako da svašta možete spokovati u njega.

Ipak, vozačko mesto je najbolji deo kabine.


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent 4


Model koji smo testirali je u skoro najvećem paketu opreme i poseduje zaista pregršt “gedžeta” koje iskreno i nismo stigli da isprobamo. Jedan od zanimljivih opcija je SOS dugme, koje nismo isprobavali :)


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent 5


Ali, da se ipak vratimo na utisak u vožnji.

Auto ima 4 moda vožnje - eko, normal, sport i off-road. Mi smo uglavnom vozili u sport modu i zaista postoji razlika u odnosu na ostale modove.

Čini nam se da je motor žustriji, reaktivniji, brzine se brže prebacuju, zaista odaje utisak vožnje nekog sportskog automobila. Medjuubrzanja su zaista odlična.

Ono što je najzanimljivije u celoj prici je potrošnja ovog SUV-a. Obzirom na težinu od nekih 1.600 kg i konstantne vožnje u sport modu, RAV 4 Hybrid je trošio svega 6.4 l benzina na našem testu.

Ovaj podatak je stvarno vredan pažnje, obzirom da 2.5l benzinski motori troše između 15 i 20 l benzina na 100 pređenih km.


Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid EasyRent 6


I na kraju, mišljenja smo da je RAV 4 Hybrid jedan ozbiljan SUV koji ozbiljno flertuje sa premium klasom.

Njegova cena od nekih 35.000 eur deluje puno, ali kada provozate i provedete neko vreme sa RAV 4 Hybrid-om, cena postaje potpuno nevažna.

Ovaj auto za sada nema pravu konkurenciju.

Easy rent a car Beograd je jedina firma koja u ponudi za pravna lica ima ovo vozilo.

Za više informacija slobodno se javite.

Vaš Easy Rent a car Beograd




Toyota Yaris Hybrid





If it is said that the image is worth 1000 words, then for the beginning of this test, a picture of Neptune's three-gauge spear is enough, which is perfectly drowning in the Maserati GranTurismo silhouette.

The Maserati people did not randomly choose the Neptunes triangle as the trademark of their cars.

Neptune is the god of the sea, and for Maserati says that God he is god on wheels.

Although he is bigger, the more difficult, "slower" than its competitors (if any), Granturismo definitely awakens special emotions when it passes by you.

The heart of this Gran Cupe makes 4.2 l V 8 atmospheres engine, made in cooperation with Ferrari, which delivers 405 hp and is paired with a six-speed automatic ZF gearbox that also has a manual mode.

As a cream on the cake, we would add a specially designed exhaust system with pneumatic valves, which when Granturismo is driving in a sports mode, produces a really scary noise (we have been driving for hours in Sports mode and it's not a pleasant feeling at all).

About the details of this car, it is compulsory to spend time. Maserati GranTurismo looks like the most beautiful, most interesting and most inspiring girl you would never want to separate with. 

Easyrent Rent is the only car rental agency in Belgrade, that has in its offer such a car.

The vehicle can be rented with and without a driver, also a news in our area is driving with our instructor for an hour.

For all details and information, please feel free to contact us.


Your Easy Rent

New vehicle in Easy Rent: Toyota Land Cruiser 2.8 D4D 

 The tradition of 66 years in the construction of off-road vehicles, put us on trial, whether to test this car at all, since in the vicinity of Belgrade we did not exactly have an adequate field.

Our friends from the Hunting Association invited us to a mini off road tour in the village of Mala Moštanica, near Belgrade.


 The Toyota Land Cruiser last generation is primarily a big and robust car.

With a length of 4760 mm, a width of 1890 mm, a height of 1850 mm and a wheelbase of 2790 mm, it is clear that this is perhaps the most robust off- roader currently on the market.

Also, the Land Cruiser is "raised" 215 mm from the ground, which means that it can cross the water obstacle 70 cm deep, which is mission impossible for a large number of off -roaders.

The new 2.8 liter engine that replaced the previous 3.0 l delivers 177 hp with a torque of 450 Nm in the range of 1600 to 2400 rpm.

Considering the weight of a car of 2,200 kg and a permanent drive on all wheels, the engine is quite satisfactory.

The maximum speed of 175 km / h is achieved relatively easily, since the acceleration of 0-100 km / h is only 12.7 seconds.

It should also be taken into account that this is primarily an off-road car.


The factory says that Land Cruiser fuel consumption  is 8.4l diesel, but in real time it is about 10l on average (out of the asphalt we recorded about 12l while spending about 8l diesel on the highway.


Since we have mostly tested Land Cruiser off the road, we will give you our impressions.

In our opinion, this car has excellent driving characteristics, especially on non-road parts, as the driver has very precise feedback about what's happening beneath him.

Land Cruiser

The front has an independent suspension with double shoulders, while the rear has a four-leg suspension with Panhard's lever. Also, off-road assistance systems (Adaptive Variable suspension AVS), the entire suspension electronically controlled gives added pleasure to the inaccessible and rough terrain.

We believe that Toyota Land Cruiser justified the epitome of the best Off Roader  in the world.

 We hade no  impression that we will not go somewhere or that some obstacle will blocked us on the way. The Land Cruiser simply "mills" everything in front of you.


But in a city driving, the situation is a bit different.

The Land Cruiser is a huge car, and the city is less friendly than off-road, but far from being hard to drive.

One interesting info about this car is that its turning circle is only 11.6 meters, which is excellent for this car this size , and especially has an expression when driving inaccessible terrain and narrow mountain paths.


And for the end of this short test, we can freely say that the Toyota Land Cruiser is a car for any purpose, whether you want to drive the entire family together with relatives in a fensy restaurant (there is also a version with 7 seats), or you want to drive in the biggest snow  in one of the ski centers, or a trip to Sahara (if you are from that part of the world), this car will drive you and take you anywhere, any time without any fear that something will "break" or that you will not arrive at your destination .

This car will be available through the Operational Rent option for legal and retail customers.

For any additional information, please feel free to contact us.

Your Easy Rent - Rent a car Belgrade.